Talk about a fabulous time of year! Tulips are starting to grow, birds are returning by the dozens, and pastels are prominent everywhere. Now, this also brings around a very popular Christian holiday, Easter. I can see the eyebrows raise right through my computer screen. Why do I mention this? I do because we all have Christian friends, colleges, and family members. It is a rather common religious belief. How do I handle it? I celebrate along side them. Ostara and Easter have a ton in common. Bunnies, egg hunts, egg decorating, and I do enjoy pastels. This is one of the Christian holidays that is nearly identical in celebration so joining in the festivities with friends and family is not against your Pagan beliefs. For me, it makes combining my spiritual and mundane lives easier. I can wear the cute bunny ears and wear decorated egg earrings and blend in with everyone else celebrating Easter. All while being blatant about my Pagan Pride. Over the years I have learned to allow myself to celebrate my holidays along side the Christian ones, mostly for the sake of my Grandmother. I decorate eggs and leave an offering for the Goddess at the crossroads to celebrate spring. I always do this after spending time with my family. I have always made the offering after family time, because I feel that the egg contains some of those happy together feelings that only a pleasant time with our family and friends can offer. Spring is about new beginnings and the growth we have obtained thus far. So, while everyone is wishing you a happy Easter, feel no shame while celebrating too. Post your experiences below.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! For me, this sentiment, and this day, has an extreme amount of distaste in my mouth. Many of us know that St. Patrick’s Day is a major party in the United States, especially if you’re in the Chicagoland area (land of the Chi-Irish). Among the many there are quite a few that know that St. Patrick has this day because it is the day he drove the snakes from Ireland, an island, without any historical record of snakes. So what on Earth did he manage to drive away if it wasn’t the literal snakes? Well, seeing as he is accredited with converting Ireland to Christianity, I’m going to say snakes are referencing the Druids, or the polytheistic, heathenish ways of the Irish before St. Patrick converted Ireland.
I’m sure by now you have heard someone calling themselves a “white” witch, or stay away from that person because they’re a “black” witch. This is completely insane. No one is white or black (grey, yes) but not one extreme or another. So, without further introduction, here is what I have to say on the matter.