The new moon. It brings a deep subtly to the night sky. A wonderful time for stargazing. I have always found the time of the New Moon extremely peaceful. This strange sense of calm washes over me and the night just seems 10 times quieter than usual. The New moon is a time of reflection and starting anew. A fantastic time to start planning for the coming cycle of the moon. While the new moon is in the sky and we are reflecting on the past cycle, and the things we have accomplished and things that need a bit more help and time. The new moon is the perfect time to begin planning for the coming moon cycle. While deep in the mist of reflecting on yourself and the things you may need to or want to work on. You can write a list of all the things that come to mind. If nothing is really coming to mind, you can always meditate and communicate with your higher self or deity. With this connections easily accessible with the new moon. Take advantage of the opportunity. Just write about all the things you want, goals, life lessons, achievements, or even things you need to work on. Obtainable or otherwise. My current list looks like this:
Seems simple enough right? Sometimes the biggest challenges, the biggest things that will change our lives the biggest, the greatest, are so simple. I know many people talk about loving the body the Goddess provided, but I can definitely use to be healthier in the one She gave me. Now that you have your goals listed out, you may only have one this month, and that's fine too, but as long as you have one to work on, no matter how small, that's a good start. What do you do next? Well, I suggest taking your list and do a New Moon Ritual. It can be insanely similar to your full moon ritual, but in the name of the new moon. Now in your ritual, plan out how you're going to reach your monthly goals. You also need to keep in mind some goals may require more than one lunar cycle. For example, my weight loss goal is going to take more than one lunar cycle, I have plenty to work on in that department. My blog schedule on the other hand, can easily be mapped out and followed through on in one month. By the end of your ritual you should have a game plan in place. Like this: This month I will drink and extra glass of water a day and eat at least one vegetable with every meal. Once you have your plan set and made, rest. Yup, you read that right, you have about a night or two before it is time for action. Follow up with you soon!